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Causes of Frequent Mold Growth in Toronto Homes

Posted in Mold, on April 01, 2022

While mold spores are everywhere, the indoor environment concentrates and amplifies their effects, making mold especially hazardous to our health. Mold inspection in Toronto is the best way to test for mold indoors because it can find hidden mold infestations and identify the causes of future infestations. At SafeAir, we’ve been helping families eliminate household mold growth in Toronto for over a decade. Here are some of the most common causes of mold growth in GTA area homes. 

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What Does Mold Smell Like and How Do I Detect it in Toronto?

Posted in Mold, on March 18, 2022

One of the first signs of indoor mold growth is the smell. Mold’s recognizable, musty odour is the most common trigger for mold inspection in Toronto. At SafeAir, we’ve walked into countless homes, attics, and basements and had our noses alert us to mold before we’ve even pulled out the tools for mold testing in Toronto. But the smell isn’t the only warning sign you might experience, and it’s not always present. Today, we’ll explain what mold smells like and why early detection is the key to a safe and healthy home. 

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Book Your Quick Air Quality Home Inspection Today

Posted in Air Quality, on March 03, 2022

Have you moved recently? Are you sleeping poorly or worried about the amount of dust accumulated in your home? If so, SafeAir can help with a quick indoor air quality test! Many common but difficult-to-diagnose issues like allergies, poor sleep, and skin problems often originate from poor indoor air quality. Services like mold inspection in Toronto can identify spores and pinpoint areas with high humidity or reduced airflow that might lead to future infestations.

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The Connection Between Indoor Air Quality and Mold

Posted in Air Quality, on February 15, 2022

Mold spores are one of the most frequently detected particles during home air quality testing in Toronto, which makes mold’s effect not only limited only to the visual and physical damage on your home, but to your respiratory and bodily health as well. SafeAir’s comprehensive indoor air quality inspection services detect mold and other common indoor allergens so that you’re not left guessing

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Retail Air Quality Tests Might Not be Doing the Trick

Posted in Air Quality, on February 03, 2022

Many of your colleagues and neighbours are booking indoor air quality testing to assess their living and working environments. While many DIY air quality testing kits are available at the hardware store, it can be more complicated to use them than you think. One of the most significant barriers to indoor air quality improvement is understanding.

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Indoor Air Pollution: Mitigating the Affects

Posted in Air Quality, on January 24, 2022

Owning a home involves a lot of maintenance work, and many people downplay services like indoor air quality testing. But overlooking testing is a mistake — air quality can significantly affect your health, daily routine, and indoor comfort. SafeAir is a GTA-based company that helps families assess their home by performing mold testing, radon testing, and other indoor air quality tests. After over a decade of experience in the field, we’ve helped thousands of families safeguard their respiratory health by improving their indoor environment. 

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11 Most Common Places to Inspect for Mold in Toronto

Posted in Mold, on January 17, 2022

​​​​​​​In big cities like Toronto, mold is an issue that affects homes of all types. Mold inspection in Toronto with SafeAir can help you discover hidden colonies and safeguard against future infestations. Mold will grow in any room of your home, but there are specific areas that are at greater risk.This article will share the top 11 rooms that return positive results during mold testing in Toronto. 

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6 Ways to Find Mold in Your Home

Posted in Mold, on December 09, 2021

While the easiest way to tell if you have indoor mold is to see it, this isn’t always possible. SafeAir’s mold inspection in Toronto services can help you root out hidden mold infestations and problems lurking behind walls or in the attic. Mold testing in Toronto is the only safe and effective way to take an in-depth look at the secret life in your home — problems that could cost you thousands of dollars and health issues if left uncovered. 

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The Negative Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Posted in Air Quality, on December 02, 2021

They say that you are what you eat — well, you are what you breathe too! SafeAir’s indoor air quality testing helps identify pollutants, allergens, and potential issues with your indoor living or work environments. The WHO estimates that somewhere around 3% of deaths worldwide are caused in part or whole by poor indoor air quality. Home air quality testing should be part of every Canadian’s home health and safety plans since it affects all aspects of our lives. Whether you’re concerned about your immunity, want to reduce your allergy symptoms, or simply want to improve your home, here are some ways that indoor air quality tests can help. 

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Why You Need a Mold Inspection This Winter

Posted in Mold, on November 17, 2021

Just because winter is on our doorstep, it doesn’t mean we can forget about mold growth. You may be surprised to learn it’s an excellent time of year for mold inspection in Toronto because the colder temperatures can retard mold growth and lessen the problems that cause it. SafeAir’s services, such as air quality and mold testing in Toronto,  are part of a proactive plan that prevents today’s minor issues from blossoming into more significant problems in the future.

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