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Is a Landlord Responsible for Mold in Ontario

Posted in Mold, on April 10, 2024

A primary duty of a landlord is to keep their property in a good state of repair, which in Ontario means preventing and removing mold growth. At SafeAir, we’ve helped thousands of property managers and landlords root out toxic mold through mold inspections in Toronto. Mold spores can be detected during air quality testing even when the infestation is invisible or hidden behind walls or flooring. If you’re a landlord in Ontario, here’s what we think you need to know about mold. 

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Why Start The New Year with Air Quality Testing in Toronto

Posted in Air Quality, on February 16, 2024

Residential indoor air quality guidelines are available from the municipal and federal government to provide a baseline of what’s acceptable or dangerous in our indoor environments. If you’re a landlord, you have a legal obligation to provide your tenants with safe indoor air quality; the same is true for our workplaces. At home, these decisions are up to us, and at SafeAir, we think there’s no better time than the present to begin improving your indoor environment with air quality testing in Toronto. Let our team help you improve your home through our science-based testing!

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The Difference Between Radon Detection and Air Quality Testing

Posted in Air Quality, on February 12, 2024

Take a deep breath — the air you breathe at home or work may not smell like much, but there’s a complex mix of allergens, particles, chemicals and other factors that swirl around you every day. At SafeAir, we offer services like radon detection and air quality testing in Toronto to help identify those factors and eliminate the ones that pose risks to your health and wellness.

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What You Need to Know to Keep Your Home Safe From Radon

Posted in Radon Testing, on January 22, 2024

Radon testing is something that, like electrical work, is best performed by a professional for safe and effective results. At SafeAir, we’ve been testing radon in Toronto for over a decade, following the latest advances in procedures and tools as set out by industry standards and regulations.

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How a Mold Inspection Can Lead to Enhanced Air Quality

Posted in Air Quality, on January 16, 2024

At SafeAir, our mission is to help people live safer, healthier lives through mold inspection in Toronto. Improving air quality, an aspect of home life that many of us ignore has small but meaningful effects that enhance all parts of daily life, from sleep to skin to respiratory health.

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