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Blog - Page 24

It’s Fall...Time to Test Your Indoor Air Quality!

Posted in Air Quality, on September 26, 2016

It’s getting colder at night and the air conditioning is finally being turned off. With fall, the leaves start to change, the nights become colder and this means getting the house ready for the colder months ahead. With the colder temperatures also comes the annual furnace maintenance where the furnace should be cleaned and all systems checked to ensure a warm indoor environment in the winter that lies ahead.

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Don’t Spray Mould, Leave the Remediation to the Professionals

Posted in Air Quality, on September 09, 2016

The typical first reaction to finding mould is to get rid of it. Mould attacks and damages your health, your indoor air quality, and the state of your home. A lot of articles on the internet suggest spraying certain chemicals onto the mould to get get rid of it, but that may just be one of the worst things you could do.

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How Air Purifiers That Emit Ozone Affect Your Indoor Air Quality

Posted in Air Quality, on August 17, 2016

Did you know that any air purifiers that are available for consumers to buy produce large amounts of ozone, which can cause a lot of harm to your indoor air quality. Not only does a large amount of emitted ozone harm your air quality, but it can be very dangerous to your health as well. You don’t want to bring such a dangerous product into your house especially if you have young children living there.

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Laminate Floors Can Damage Your Air Quality

Posted in Air Quality, on August 04, 2016

Did you know that the flooring in your house may not be safe for your family’s health, or your home’s air quality? Well some of the most common laminated flooring found in a lot of modern and older homes has been linked to having formaldehyde in some of the adhesives and resins that are used in the production of wood laminate. Exposure to formaldehyde has been connected with respiratory issues and even some cancers.

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Mould Growth in Basements and it’s Effect on Your Indoor Air Quality

Posted in Air Quality, on July 28, 2016

Your basement is a prime spot for water leaks, flooding and even higher humidity levels, all of which could cause mould to develop, which negatively affects your air quality, and your health. Flooding and water leaks could be caused from mundane household activities such as showering or cooking, so it is always good to keep an eye on your basement and look for any leaks.

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Candles Affect on Your Indoor Air Quality

Posted in Air Quality, on July 25, 2016

Although candles are great decor for your house, and smell heavenly most of the time, the damage most candles do to your indoor air quality, makes it really not worth it. Lighting a scented or aromatherapy candle in your home can be compared to sitting on your cough and smoking a cigar, neither of them are good for your health or your air quality. It has been brought to the public’s eye that most scented candles that you can purchase from any common candle retailer actually emit pollutants such as benzene, styrene, toluene, acetone, and particulate matter. Those harmful pollutants actually can severely damage your indoor air quality every time you light your candle.

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The Impact Paints Have on Your Air Quality

Posted in Air Quality, on July 18, 2016

It’s no surprise that your indoor air quality contributes to how healthy you and the environmental you are living in is, but did you know that paints are one of the leading causes of pollution and damage to your air quality? This is due to the toxic emissions that paints release into the air, not only during the time of application but also for years after the paint job has been done. These toxics use to arise from a variety of volatile organic compounds, also known as VOC’s.

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How Indoor Plants Help Improve Your Air Quality and Overall Well Being

Posted in Air Quality, on July 13, 2016

Your house not only looks nicer when it’s scattered with beautiful greenery, but actually the air quality of your home is better as well. Plants not only improve your air quality, but helps to improve your well being! They actually help you live in a better home and also make you feel happier! ​​​​​​​Plants are well known to be anti-pollutants as they absorb many chemicals that can be harmful to your air quality. Many of these harmful chemicals can be commonly found in household items such as many cleaning products, toilet paper, paper towels and more.

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Indoor Air Quality Testing and Your Health

Posted in Air Quality, on June 29, 2016

It may be difficult sometimes to pinpoint whats making you or your family sick. Although an indoor air quality assessment may not be the first solution that pops in your head when your family is experiencing repetitive illness, there are several warning signs that it just may be a mould illness you and your family is suffering from, and getting your air quality tested may just be the best solution.

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Dust and Indoor Air Quality

Posted in Air Quality, on June 17, 2016

We often receive calls from clients regarding dust in the homes or offices. Many people report ‘living in a dusty home’. Common complaints are “I dust one day, two days later, dust is everywhere’! This can be quite common in most homes these days. Most clients, especially the partner that does most of the cleaning, are relieved to find out that it has little to do with cleaning.

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