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How Airflow Affects Mold

Posted in Mold, on March 20, 2023

Mold is surprisingly common in homes and workplaces, which is why many families and businesses are choosing to schedule mold inspections in Toronto this spring. An environmental assessment in Toronto not only helps detect whether mold spores are present, but it also reveals many underlying issues that cause mold growth. At SafeAir, we've noticed that one common issue appears in every property affected by mold: airflow problems. One of the most overlooked conditions that lead to mold growth, the importance of airflow is often forgotten after a flood or leak is discovered — after all, air is everywhere in our home.

Causes of Mold Growth

environmental assessments TorontoUnderstanding the cause of mold growth can be difficult because each building has unique characteristics and features that can increase or decrease your risk. Mold is a naturally occurring fungus that plays a vital role in nature. But mold can cause property damage, weaken critical structural features, and cause severe sickness when it grows in your home. 

How Mold Grows

Mold needs moisture to grow. This moisture can come from many activities inside your home, like cooking or bathing, and accidents, like leaks or floods. While water indoors can’t be eliminated (we need to eat and bathe, after all!), ventilation is the key element that helps prevent mold growth. 

The Role of Airflow

Moisture that can’t evaporate because there’s no airflow sticks around and will settle or condense on surfaces.  Air movement, whether from a fan or open window, helps to move moisture on and is a significant factor in whether or not you’ll need a mold inspection in Toronto. Increasing ventilation in key areas, like the basement and attic, can dramatically cut your mold risk, and have benefits like indoor air quality improvements. 

The Importance of Proper Ventilation

How can an environmental assessment in Toronto improve airflow and ventilation in your home? By taking a whole-home approach, the SafeAir team can help pinpoint and identify areas at risk for mold growth because of decreased ventilation. Diagnosing these sorts of issues sooner rather than later can positively affect your home, because it's not only mold that benefits from poor airflow. 

Stagnant air can cause chemicals and other harmful vapours, like radon gas, to build up in areas of your home, affecting your long and short-term health. Air movement is also crucial for balanced humidity indoors so that you feel comfortable and can relax and sleep well. 

Too much airflow isn’t a good thing either and can point to cracks in your building envelope that let in moisture and pests. Air leaks are the number one cause of energy inefficiency that cause high heating and cooling bills.

Mold Testing 101 with SafeAir

Ventilation problems at home can be difficult to diagnose using your senses, making mold inspection and testing in Toronto a valuable tool. At SafeAir, we do mold inspections year-round to help families improve their indoor air quality and make positive changes that impact ventilation, safety, and indoor comfort.

To learn more about environmental assessments for the home, call the SafeAir team to book a consultation. 

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