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Air Quality - Page 22

How Mold Affects The Air We Breathe

Posted in Air Quality, on November 10, 2015

You're probably aware that mold affects the air you breathe, but do you know how this happens? Perhaps it's time you did. Mold is a term for numerous kinds of unwanted fungi that exist outdoors and indoors. Microorganisms such as fungi help in the breakdown of dead material, making them an important part of the earth's ongoing life cycle. However, their proliferation in buildings can affect indoor air quality (IAQ) adversely, creating hazardous medical conditions for the occupants. If you wish to understand how the fungi affect IAQ, check this out.

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How Mold Affects The Air We Breathe

Posted in Air Quality, on November 10, 2015

You're probably aware that mold affects the air you breathe, but do you know how this happens? Perhaps it's time you did. Mold is a term for numerous kinds of unwanted fungi that exist outdoors and indoors. Microorganisms such as fungi help in the breakdown of dead material, making them an important part of the earth's ongoing life cycle. However, their proliferation in buildings can affect indoor air quality (IAQ) adversely, creating hazardous medical conditions for the occupants. If you wish to understand how the fungi affect IAQ, check this out.

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5 Great Plant Options For Your Office

Posted in Air Quality, on October 30, 2015

Are you aware that having plants at the workplace can help improve air quality? Perhaps you should consider these options. Pollution can frequently be greater inside an office than outdoors because air conditioners draw air in from outdoors, but don't filter pollutants. The air then circulates around your office continuously and combines with indoor contaminants, for instance volatile organic compounds.

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The Top 3 Causes of Poor Air Quality At Offices

Posted in Air Quality, on October 26, 2015

How clean is the air at your workplace? Are you aware of the potential sources of air pollution? Indoor air quality (IAQ) at the workplace is the topic of considerable attention nowadays, and for good reason. The air quality indoors can affect the comfort, productivity and health of building occupants profoundly.

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The Air You Breathe Could Be Affecting Your Quality Of Sleep

Posted in Air Quality, on October 23, 2015

Do you constantly wake up feeling tired or are you experiencing chronic stuffiness? Perhaps you need to improve your indoor air quality. When you sleep, your body typically recharges itself, rejuvenates its senses, and restores its energy in preparation for another day. However, frequent sleep interruptions can cause you to wake up cranky and tired. What most people don't realize is that there's a direct relationship between sleep quality and air quality. For this reason, indoor air quality plays an important role in determining sleep quality. If you're constantly complaining of poor sleep, check this out.

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Common Bacteria Found In The Air In And Around Your Home

Posted in Air Quality, on September 24, 2015

Are you aware that you share your living space with bacteria? Discover the kinds that exist in your home. Bacterial organisms are virtually everywhere, from your home to workplace and even in the air you inhale. Few people know that numerous bacteria not only coexist with us constantly, but could also affect your home's air quality. In indoor settings, bacteria exist on surfaces and in the air. High bacteria levels indoors indicate poor ventilation or building maintenance. Here's a look at common bacteria in and around your home.

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Common Bacteria Found In The Air In And Around Your Home

Posted in Air Quality, on September 24, 2015

Are you aware that you share your living space with bacteria? Discover the kinds that exist in your home. Bacterial organisms are virtually everywhere, from your home to workplace and even in the air you inhale. Few people know that numerous bacteria not only coexist with us constantly, but could also affect your home's air quality. In indoor settings, bacteria exist on surfaces and in the air. High bacteria levels indoors indicate poor ventilation or building maintenance. Here's a look at common bacteria in and around your home.

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Radon Testing and How It Can Affect You In Your Home

Posted in Air Quality, on September 18, 2015

When was the last time you tested your home for radon? Perhaps it's time you did. Radon is a natural, radioactive gas, which you can't detect without special equipment. It's approximated that someone who doesn't smoke and is exposed to high radon levels over a lifetime has a 1 in 20 chance of getting cancer in the lungs. This number increases to 1 in 3 for a smoker exposed to high radon levels over a lifetime.

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Radon Testing and How It Can Affect You In Your Home

Posted in Air Quality, on September 18, 2015

When was the last time you tested your home for radon? Perhaps it's time you did. Radon is a natural, radioactive gas, which you can't detect without special equipment. It's approximated that someone who doesn't smoke and is exposed to high radon levels over a lifetime has a 1 in 20 chance of getting cancer in the lungs. This number increases to 1 in 3 for a smoker exposed to high radon levels over a lifetime.

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