(416) 414-5690

The Top 3 Causes of Poor Air Quality At Offices

Posted in Air Quality, on October 26, 2015

How clean is the air at your workplace? Are you aware of the potential sources of air pollution? Indoor air quality (IAQ) at the workplace is the topic of considerable attention nowadays, and for good reason. The air quality indoors can affect the comfort, productivity and health of building occupants profoundly. The problem of indoor air pollution exists when a restricted amount of fresh air circulates throughout the office; air circulates too fast; toxic substances exist in the office setting; or external air circulated into your workplace is polluted. If you're curious about the major sources of poor air quality at the workplace, check out this list.

  1. Inadequate Ventilation

The quantity of fresh air and its cleanliness is significant in establishing air quality. An effective, well-maintained ventilation system will circulate and replace fresh for used air. Although ventilation systems aren't designed to eliminate huge quantities of air contaminants, the ventilation system may decrease the level of air pollution sufficiently. In addition to controlling contaminants, the HVAC system must offer a comfortable environment. The perception of stale or still air, odors, errant temperature, or draftiness results in discomfort, which can be the start of IAQ complaints regardless of how subtle it is. Numerous IAQ complaints arise from the HVAC's failure to meet the comfort needs of the occupants. According to research, communicable diseases such as tuberculosis spread more effectively in buildings with poor ventilation. Enhancing IAQ doesn't imply that the indoor air should become pure and pristine. Instead, building occupants shouldn't be subjected to air quality that's considerably worse than the external air.

  1. Volatile Organic Compounds

VOCs are widespread chemical contaminants found in workplaces and are a source of odors, some of which can be hazardous for employees. These compounds are present in various products, for instance solvent-based paints and printing inks. Full-time employees probably spend eight hours or more at work and may not realize that they're inhaling VOCs all day since they don't produce immediate, acute reactions. However, the compounds can cause gradual harm by contributing to chronic conditions, such as asthma or respiratory allergies. The most prevalent VOCs in our workplaces and even our homes are benzene and formaldehyde. The compounds are virtually everywhere from the paint on your walls to your furniture. These compounds are frequently responsible for "sick building" syndrome-a phenomenon that increases general health issues and sick days among employees. Nevertheless, decreasing the risks simply takes a little understanding and extra consideration when selecting things such as solvents, paints, and cleaners. The best way of lowering the risk is selecting products with lower toxicity and low vapor pressure if possible. Developing a healthy workplace revolves mostly around making small adjustments and paying attention to volatile organic compounds is a simple way of looking after your colleagues' general health.

  1. Mold

Although any building may have mold, those with a history of floods, water leaks, and issues with IAQ have a greater risk for mold infestation. The fungi are mostly present in areas near the water source. When the disturbance or damage of moldy material occurs, the atmospheric release of mold spores can occur. Employees may face mold exposure originating from water-damaged building materials and during repair and maintenance operations. Generally, the common mold types aren't hazardous to healthy people. However, some may be dangerous to certain people. Persons with bronchitis, asthma, or other allergies have a higher likelihood of reacting to mold. Common symptoms of mold reaction include eye irritation, runny nose, skin rash, and congestion. Symptoms typically disappear after exposure stops. Moisture problems, such as flooding and water intrusion must be the focus of evaluation and control endeavors. Moreover, occupants of buildings infested with mold should beware of the mold and given information on the resulting health effects.

Building owners, occupants, and managers must tackle IAQ concerns. While it isn't possible to satisfy all occupants at all times, it's necessary and possible to offer a safe and healthy work environment. If you need assistance with issues associated with air quality, kindly contact us so we can help (416) 414-5690

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