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How Air Quality Testing Guides Mold Inspections in Homes with Basements and Crawl Spaces

Posted in Air Quality, on September 09, 2024

One of the best ways to detect mold in your home is through air quality testing in Toronto. The SafeAir team has over a decade of experience helping homeowners find the hidden or invisible causes of poor air quality in their homes. Mold inspection in Toronto is a science-led way to discover mold colonies and identify problem areas in your home, especially in basements, where air quality can suffer for several common reasons.

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How to Spot the Major Symptoms of Radon Poisoning

Posted in Radon Testing, on August 23, 2024

With greater awareness of radon and its long-term, toxic effects, SafeAir has seen an increase in requests for testing — and questions about what radon is and what its symptoms and effects are. Radon testing can be done as part of general home air quality testing or as a stand-alone service, and no matter which option you choose, the test is critical for you and your family’s long-term safety and comfort.

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How Renovations and Remodelling Affect Indoor Air Quality

Posted in Air Quality, on August 13, 2024

Are you planning a renovation this season? If you’re remodeling or renovating any part of your home, the team at SafeAir recommends adding home air quality testing to your workflow. This science-based service is helpful for identifying allergens, particulates, gasses, or other air pollution created or stirred up during the renovation process.

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Why Radon Testing in High-Rise Buildings is Necessary

Posted in Radon Testing, on July 29, 2024

The SafeAir team helps hundreds of families a year with radon testing. The focus of radon testing is often lower or ground floor levels of single-family or duplex dwellings since this is where it most commonly collects. However, we find that indoor air quality testing in Toronto also detects high levels of radon gas in the upper levels of homes and high-rise buildings too. If you live in this type of building, here’s what you may want to know about testing your apartment or condo for radon. 

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What Negative Health Effects Can Radon Gas Cause?

Posted in Radon Testing, on July 19, 2024

For families looking to improve their indoor air environment, home air quality testing is a straightforward way to identify common problems and issues. At SafeAir, we also recommend adding radon testing to the standard package — while this colourless, odourless, invisible gas may not seem like a pressing issue, it can have a cumulatively disastrous effect on human health and is well worth testing for and preventing.

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How Air Quality Impacts Student Performance

Posted in Air Quality, on July 10, 2024

Did you know that learning is affected by indoor air quality? The air we breathe is one of the most forgotten and ignored elements that affect our daily lives. At SafeAir, we’ve specialized in home air quality testing for over a decade, helping families, schools, and businesses improve the learning and working environment in this subtle but powerful way.

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How Indoor Air Quality Testing Can Improve Your Health in 2024

Posted in Air Quality, on June 27, 2024

Many families are paying more attention to how base respiratory health is affected by social and environmental factors. One of the most significant but overlooked elements of respiratory health is your home’s environment and all the various things you do and bring into it. Indoor air quality testing with SafeAir is one way to quantify your home’s air quality and its effect on your health.

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