(416) 414-5690

Most Common Places For Mold Growth

Posted in Mold, on September 09, 2020

A mold inspection in Toronto can reveal some of the most common areas that mold grows in GTA homes, as well as the areas in your home that may be likely to have mold problems in the future. There are a few common home problems that are warning signs for mold growth, such as:

  • High humidity
  • Water leaks
  • Poor airflow

Different rooms in our homes may have some or all of these issues present, but at SafeAir, our experience has shown that mold tends to be most common in the following places:

The Attic

We frequently do mold testing in Toronto attics for a number of reasons. The first is that we usually don’t visit our attics often, and any conditions that make mold growth likely, such as high humidity or roof leaks, can then go undetected for a very long time. Attics, especially in older homes in Toronto, are often under-insulated and lack good airflow, making them the kind of stuffy, closed environments that mold loves. 

The Bathroom

This room sees a lot of mold inspections in Toronto because there’s an abundance of the key ingredient for mold growth - water. Whether it’s dripping from bathing or steam from hot water, the warm and wet environment of the bathroom is ideal for mold growth. Bathrooms that don’t have a fan or window are especially prone to mold growth, and dirty tiles, damp towels, or dark cabinets provide plenty of food sources. 

The Kitchen

Just like the bathroom, the kitchen has plenty of moisture from the sink and cooking, as well as many different types of surfaces that mold likes to grow on. Other than old food (which doesn’t pose the same risks as household mold), mold can grow inside fans, on drywall, under sinks and dishwashers, and behind cabinets or other furniture. 

The Basement and Crawlspace

Many homes have basements prone to flooding and leaking, which is one of the most common reasons for mold testing in Toronto. Beyond acts of nature and leaky laundry room pipes, mold growth can be a problem in basements because of poor ventilation. Boxes, carpeting, and other stored stuff can encourage moisture to linger, and high humidity is common - all of which can encourage mold to grow in low-traffic areas. 

Prevent Household Mold!

The best way to prevent household mold is to keep your home clean, dry, and well ventilated - which is much easier to say than it is to do! If you’re concerned about indoor mold growth in your attic, bathrooms, kitchen, or basement, SafeAir can help with a mold inspection in Toronto. Mold testing takes non-invasive air and object samples that are processed in a lab. These results can help us determine what types of mold are present even if there is no visible growth. For more information on mold inspections in Toronto call us for a free quote at 416-414-5690!

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