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Why Test for Radon at Home During Cold Weather

Posted in Radon Testing, on October 06, 2023

Radon gas is a year-round problem for many homes that must be managed. An air quality inspection in Toronto can help you determine if radon gas affects your family and is especially valuable as the season shifts and we spend more time indoors. At SafeAir, we offer long-term home radon tests that are unobtrusive, discreet, and highly accurate, ensuring you have accurate information to base your next steps on. Here’s why our team thinks you should consider having your home tested for radon gas. 

The Effects of Radon

home radon testing TorontoAir quality issues often leave signs or visible marks: mold growth can make dark splotches or furry patches, air pollution can leave marks or smudges, and allergens cause coughing or sneezing. But radon causes no visible, audible, or experiential effects — at least, not for many years. 

Radon gas is colourless, odourless, and invisible. It’s a natural part of the environment, but it becomes harmful when it collects indoors. After many years of exposure, radon gas causes irreparable damage to the respiratory system and is Canada's second-most leading cause of lung cancer. 

Why Radon Should be Tested for in Cold Weather

At SafeAir, we do radon testing all year round. Created deep underground from decaying uranium, radon gas levels can fluctuate throughout the year and are affected by weather, temperature, and other factors. We spend much more time indoors during the colder seasons and seal our houses tightly to keep in warm air, inadvertently trapping radon gas and increasing our exposure.

Risks of At-Home Radon Testing

The SafeAir team recommends professional radon testing over DIY home radon tests. While many cities and even public libraries offer low-cost kits, it’s very easy to install your device incorrectly or place it in the wrong place in your home. These mistakes can lead to false positives or negatives, causing you to miss crucial information or think you’re in the all-clear. 

At SafeAir, we have over a decade of knowledge, training, and experience placing radon testing devices for accurate and trustworthy results. We also always recommend long-term tests, preferring their accuracy over short-term tests that may be affected by storms, weather, or other short-duration effects. 

Signs of Radon Poisoning

There are few signs and symptoms that you live in a home affected by radon gas — and when you do notice signs, that often means that the effects are irreversible. Some of the common early signs that you’ve experienced exposure to radon gas include:

  • Coughing
  • Respiratory problems that don’t resolve
  • COPD

Air Quality Testing in Toronto

The only way to know if you have radon gas at home is to test for it! The SafeAir team has seen first-hand how our science-based testing and inspection can help families reduce indoor allergens, suffer fewer asthma attacks, and sleep better. Radon testing can be a stand-alone service or bundled with mold testing or other environmental assessments. To learn more about air quality inspection in Toronto or how radon gas may affect your home, contact our team to book your free visual inspection today. 

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