(416) 414-5690

Is Your Home Causing Your Family To Get Sick?

Posted in Air Quality, on April 08, 2015

Could your home be a source of family health problems?

Canadians typically spend up to 90% at home, work, and school. Clean air is crucial for good health, and this is particularly true when it concerns indoor air. While a considerable number of Canadians spend time indoors, most aren't aware of the effects of poor air quality on their health.

Are you concerned about indoor pollution?

It is reported that air in the majority of homes is more contaminated than the outdoor air. While we recognize that bad air is tough on people with asthma and allergens, it poses threats to everyone. Fortunately, you don't have to spend considerably to clean your home's air. These simple strategies will prove invaluable.

What is Poor Indoor Air Quality?

According to scientific research, air quality within buildings is sometimes worse than the quality of external air. Indoor air problems believed to be associated with contaminants concentrated in buildings could possibly cause illnesses and symptoms among individuals who spend time therein. It is therefore not surprising to discover that the quality of indoor air affects most of the working adults.

Causes of Poor Air Quality Indoors

Common air pollutants include:

Biological Contaminants

These can originate from both inside and outside your home. Biological contaminants include fungi (molds), pollen, and dust mite particles.

Combustion by-products

These are small particles and gases generated by the incomplete burning of fuels for instance oil, kerosene, and wood. Combustion by-products found indoors comprise carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Sources consist of woodstoves and heaters.


The naturally occurring radioactive gas is odorless, lacks taste, and is invisible. The gas can enter your home or building directly through the building's foundation. Over time, elevated radon levels may reportedly lead to lung cancer.


This important factor determines air quality indoors. Poorly aired homes can affect your health and work performance. Controlled ventilation is particularly necessary in heavily insulated buildings that permit little air exchange with the outdoors.

Pests and pets

Pets and pests are significant sources of allergens, which can lead to airway diseases, asthma, and rhinitis. Exposure differs depending on cultural habits and environment type.

Effects of Poor Air Quality

Long and Short-term Health Effects

Pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide are known to cause inflamed airways, respiratory tract damage, and eye irritation. An irritated respiratory tract could induce mucus secretion, coughing, and long-term infections. It is especially damaging to people who are asthmatic or have compromised immune systems. Overtime, poor quality of indoor air can result in decreased lung function and breathing problems.

Eye Issues

Indoor pollutants from cooking expose your eyes to the radiating smoke consisting of toxins that your eye lens absorbs. This leads to lens opacity, increasing the incidences of cataracts.

Fatigue and Dizziness

Combustion pollutants in particular can produce headaches, fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Extreme levels could even result in death. Nitrogen dioxide causes irritation of the eyes, throat, and nose mucous membranes. The gas can further promote infections and produce shortness of breath.

How to Improve Air Quality

You can improve air quality in the following ways:

Improve Ventilation

Ventilation ensures blending of the outdoor air with the indoor environment to decrease the buildup of indoor pollutants.

Eliminating the Sources of Microbial Contaminants

Regular repair and cleanup of areas where water leakage has taken place including floors helps ensure the elimination of microbial habitats. You should also try to limit the movement of feathered pets in your home.

Clean AC Filters and Furnace

If they're damaged or dirty, they become inefficient. Follow the proposed maintenance schedule for air conditioning and heating systems. In general, you should check your filter four times annually. Poor quality of indoor air can contribute to or cause the development of infections and chronic lung illnesses, for instance asthma. Therefore, it's imperative you start improving the air quality indoors. If you require assistance with indoor air quality, please contact us to see how we can help: (416) 414-5690

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