(416) 414-5690

5 Changes You Can Make To Improve Productivity At Your Office

Posted in Air Quality, on November 20, 2015

Are your employees showing signs of sluggishness or decreased productivity? Perhaps you should make these vital changes. On average, employees spend approximately five hours at their desks daily and companies pay for that time. However, the outcomes of an employee's work vs. time spent don't often match up. The need to enhance and ensure employee productivity is a reality businesses can't ignore, especially due to increasing competition from rival companies. As such, it's important to maintain and enhance productivity in these ways.

1. Implement Regular Breaks

Don't allow your company culture to feature constant stress, excess work, and frequent lengthy hours. Instead, you should encourage workers to take a walk and obtain some fresh air during lunch breaks. While workers will typically take their coffee and tea breaks during the day, you should consider implementing some breaks as standard to prevent your workforce from experiencing bad headaches and sore backs. Furthermore, a break motivates your employees to work again, considerably enhancing their performance level. You'll discover that rejuvenation allows them to complete tasks more accurately, resulting in fewer errors. Regular breaks also offer various benefits such as stress reduction. Workers who skip breaks regularly tend to experience fatigue and stress, leading to the abrupt loss of enthusiasm for their job duties. Allowing breaks promotes enhanced productivity, which is a win-win situation for your business, employees, and clients.

2. Improve Air Quality

Poor air quality affects worker productivity besides posing serious health concerns. A common complaint concerning indoor air quality (IAQ) is associated with temperature: the air is either too cold or too hot. Another comfort-related complaint involves humidity: the air is too muggy or too dry. Poor air quality at the workplace could potentially result in sinus problems, fatigue, dizziness, and congestion. These health-related complaints eventually affect work productivity because they lead to regular absenteeism from work. You can improve air quality by eliminating possible sources of contaminants including dust and cleaning chemicals. You could also include plants such as Peace Lily and English Ivy, which decrease indoor air pollution.

3. Establish Goals and use Outcomes to Help Workers Grow

When developing a measurement system, managers must understand the current state of their company and then establish expectations and rules. Managers must also check regularly on progress and goals like any other crucial KPI. For instance, objectives could include a 10% sales increase or 5% less time spent on entertainment sites. You should also have a plan for counseling workers who may be lagging behind because of unproductivity. By recognizing areas where a worker's struggling, you can work to help him or her reach his or her full potential and develop as a professional. When setting goals, ensure they're achievable in order to motivate employees, giving them a sense of accomplishment.

4. Offer Training

Everybody enjoys learning something new and exciting, so you must encourage workers to take courses, attend exhibitions, and seminars related to the skills they are willing to learn. This doesn't have to be costly for the company and could even involve workers learning from each other or attending free talks. Employees eager to use their new skills will apply their newfound knowledge to new duties, adding value to their company role. Furthermore, employees will feel more grateful and well disposed to your company for investing in their career development.

5. Recognize and Encourage Good Work

Studies reveal that recognition from your employer in the form of some authentic words of praise can frequently mean more to a worker than monetary reward or other material incentives. Of course, an extra day off work can also be an excellent way of rewarding exceptional work. Don't just criticize when a mistake occurs. Ensure you seek out workers when they also achieve something great instead of taking the positive accomplishments for granted. If a staff member feels unvalued or unappreciated, he or she won't remain in the company for long and will take his or her talent and skills to an employer that will give deserving recognition.

Have you noticed decreased work productivity among your employees? Perhaps you should consider making these simple changes to ensure motivation among your staff members. If you need assistance with issues associated with air quality, kindly contact us so we can help (416) 414-5690

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